The Enjoyment of Watching and Listening

Join the AV Team

At a recent gathering of LLI Members learning about various needs and opportunities at Bard LLI, audiovisual chair Dave Jutton held up a bottle of white wine in one hand and a small laptop computer in the other.

“If you can tell the difference between these two,” he said with a smile, “then you can join a group of our members enhancing the effectiveness and enjoyment of many classes.”

AV in control

AV Enhances Classes

“As we know, sharing knowledge is often made more enjoyable and more effective by the use of PowerPoint slides, video, and audio,” Dave pointed out.

“Presenters know this all too well, and as they stand before the class and click the remote, they want everything to work seamlessly and without a glitch. You can play an important role in making  this happen.”

Guaranteed a Seat

Each class has someone assigned to help fulfill this aspect of LLI needs. In fact, if you join this group, and are selected as A/V support for a class you request, you are guaranteed a seat in that often quickly filled class. And learning the skills necessary is easy and well within most member’s abilities. Sometimes it’s as simple of making sure the correct cable is plugged into the correct socket or dragging the presenter’s file onto the desktop of the computer. The most experienced in this group teach others how to do this, and most often those skills are as easy as learning how to use a microwave oven.

AV member in class

How to Join AV Team

So as we anticipate the start of fall classes, think about the opportunities to help our members, and if you find the role of joint the A/V team appealing, send an email to Dave at [email protected], and he will do the rest. And as the presenter clicks that remote, sit back and enjoy the show.
