Members Had More to Say: Member Survey Part 2
The recent member survey yielded interesting and sometimes surprising comments, as shown in the discussion of campus life, getting to the classrooms, newsletters and emails, and the course catalog in last month’s newsletter. This issue summarizes the rest of the member comments about the curriculum, the registration process, our website, hospitality rooms, and the possibility of expanded social activities. Members contributed a number of suggestions for improving or expanding each of these areas.

To meet the expectations of our expanding membership, the Curriculum Committee has been offering a wider selection of classes, with the approbation of approximately 72% of respondents.
- The Curriculum Committee does a fantastic job of finding interesting topics and easy-to-relate-to teachers.
- I have had some truly knock your socks off experiences with classes.
- I always find at least two courses of interest.
- I love the science-related courses.
- Too many times the most interesting classes to me are offered at the same time.
- I’ve been a member for a long time and by now a lot is repetitive.
- Having only a 15 person limit for a potentially popular course is just a tease!
And there were a number of suggestions for future offerings.
- More info on the area’s diverse communities.
- If there were potential presenters in the following areas, it would be nice: survey-like courses on architecture and history of art would be interesting. Science-type courses for non-science background members are interesting also. …. A couple more history/govt/current events courses…some additional literature type courses … especially featuring perhaps women authors and not so much the classic well-known authors.
- Is it possible to have some hands-on offerings
- …a discussion format class.
- …classes that are LESS like actual college classes, edgier, more alternative and modern.
- A course on Montgomery Place.
- Athens vs. Sparta.
- Tai Chi Set Two.
- Joan Tower in fall and spring!
Procedure for Course Registration
The upgrade in the online registration process met with the approval of more than 90% of respondents.
- I find it satisfyingly straightforward. Rewarding to actually register with ease.
- Just like that, it’s online and I can and have done it right from my phone as soon as registration opens.
- I’m so technologically challenged that my alter name is Analog Woman.
- Sometimes links do not work correctly.
- I only got one of my three selections.
- I feel there was something seriously wrong with the drop/add process.
Again, there were some suggestions for improvement:
- When registration begins, there are lots of people trying to register at once. We have gotten calls that they can’t access the registration page. If we included a note that this could happen the first day or two and to try again at a later time. Also, registration forms are not processed until the registration period is over. No need to be an early bird.
- Not knowing where the course will be when we register is a real problem.
- The drop process should be flexible so if there is a blackout (first day Fall) you have an extra week to decide.
- When I dropped and added courses, there wasn’t a place where it said: OK, here’s what you’re signed up for now.

We rely on our continuously updated website (lli.bard.edu) to be a reliable resource for necessary information. About three-quarters of members thought the website “useful and easy to understand,” with its “professional” design.
- If you know where to look, it’s all there.
- I appreciate the updates and news. I find reminders very useful.
- I really like that I can find information about the structure of LLI.
Others found it difficult to use. These are all issues the tech team is looking to correct.
- I have some difficulty finding catalogs. [NOTE: Since the survey, the catalogs have been moved to a more prominent position on the website.]
- It is difficult to use. I click on things that do not work and have to do a lot of searching to find what I am looking for.
- I wasn’t able to link to the drop add courses link this past semester.
- Some suggested additional website content.
- Would appreciate real breaking LLI news on the landing page, such as closings, unusual events of the day, e.g., room changes.
- (W)ould love to have more pictures or if possible videos.
Hospitality Rooms
The hospitality rooms received good marks from only about half the membership.
- Very nice to have a place to gather and socialize.
- Great coffee, and a variety of snacks.
- Love having coffee in a separate room.
- It’s very uncomfortable now, hard to find a seat, eat, and socialize.
- Too hard to get there.
- Not sure about the hours.
Again, a few members had some suggestions for improvement:
- Would be lovely if hospitality could be in one much larger room with tables and chairs.
- More brownies!

Possible Social Activities
LLI does not have a Social Activities committee now, but there is considerable interest in spending time together beyond the classroom. Between 48% and 66% of members responded enthusiastically to the possibility of on-campus gatherings, group activities at local sites and attractions, and trips on a chartered bus to a specific event at a more distant location. A few people offered to help set up a Social Activities Committee.
- To me, these seem to be beyond the scope of what I think of as LLI. In my mind, the “value add” of the Bard LLI program is the scope of courses and the expertise of the presenters…. Don’t dilute this so as to have things that could be obtained otherwise.
Several people had some specific ideas:
- Expanding receptions to all LLI members and adding cash bar to defray costs.
- Hikes/walks.
- A book club within LLI
- An off-Friday film program with a theme, followed by discussion and dinner at a restaurant for whoever wanted to go.
- I would especially appreciate activities of this sort that would allow us to socialize without a highly structured program.
- Perhaps an overnight trip somewhere.
- I loved my hiking in the Catskills class because it combined a great class with social opportunities.
Thank You
Thanks to the 149 members who responded with their enthusiasm and ideas for improvement. Council and committee chairs are using your comments to guide their decision-making over the next year and improve everyone’s experience.

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