June is Membership Month

June is Membership Month


Have you renewed your LLI membership for the 2020-2021 year? Membership renewal opened on June 1 and will continue until June 21. You were sent a renewal application link on June 1 or you may access the application at the membership renewal and payment form on our website, lli.bard.edu, or at LLI Membership Renewal. Payment can be made via credit, debit card, or PayPal.

Membership renewal closes on June 21. After that date, any openings in our membership will be offered to people who have submitted new member applications. If you have friends who are interested, tell them to go to our website, lli.bard.edu, to find directions on applying to LLI. We will reach out to people who applied unsuccessfully last year. As always, new members will be selected by lottery, with a few exceptions for those with skills needed by LLI.

Changes to Note

The health and safety of our members is paramount. As explained in the June 1 letter you received, Council decided the Bard LLI Fall semester will be online and tuition for the 2020-2021 school year will be reduced to $125.

Classes are scheduled to begin in late September.