You’ve Got Questions? ProClass Has Answers!

ProClass Answers Your Questions About Your LLI Information

Every Bard LLI member has an account in ProClass. Your ProClass account is available 24/7, whenever you have a question. It always shows the latest information regarding your account. You can make your own edits on your own data.

After logging in, you can find information to answer these common questions:

  • What courses am I registered for?
  • When does my membership expire?
  • What have I paid to LLI?
  • Is my address correct (used to verify your credit card payments)?
  • Is my phone number correct?
  • How do I drop a course?
  • How do I change my email address?

This article describes how you can easily answer these questions (and more) in ProClass. It also asks you to log in to ProClass and update your information. This fall, all LLI members will receive newly printed name tags – the data came from ProClass so members could customize their name and city. You can also update your personal information, so credit card payments and phone numbers are correct.

Help LLI Help You

You have control over the data about you! Please take a few moments now to update your information.

Name Tag

When on campus, all members are asked to wear their name tags on their red lanyards. Members who joined in 2020 and 2021 can pick up their lanyards and name tags at orientations or at their first classes.

You can specify your name and the city you want printed on your name tag by updating your data in My Account. These have been reprinted for all members using the data in ProClass. You can change your own data for the next reprinting in 2022.

For Fall 2021, Bard requires everyone entering a building to be vaccinated. LLI volunteers will be looking for proof of vaccination (either Excelsior app or vaccination card) before you will be allowed to attend any inside LLI campus event. Once you have verified your vaccination, you will get a special sticker for your name tag, showing your status has been verified.

To change your name and town:

  • Log in to ProClass;
  • Click your name in the upper right;
  • Click the My Account button;
  • Scroll down and click the LLI Info tab (just below the Save button – the tab is the first tab on the left on the list of tabs);
  • Enter the name and town you want to be printed on your new name tag;
  • Click the Save button.

Volunteers will print the name tags after August 25, so please make your changes now. If the LLI name tag information is blank, your new name tag will be printed with whatever name and town are listed in the top Personal Information section of the My Account page.

Personal Information (address, email, phone numbers)

When making a payment through ProClass, your identity is verified by comparing the zip code in your ProClass account with the zip code on your credit card. This helps protect your credit card account. Many renewing members had difficulties making renewal payments because their address (particularly zip code) did not match their credit card. 

LLI Tech Help sometimes tries to contact members by phone to answer a tech question. However, many members have not entered their phone numbers.

Address and phone information are also on the My Account page under Personal Information. You can update this whenever you have changes in your personal information. A video is available below on how to update your account.

One of the fields in Personal Information is Mobile Carrier. LLI rarely uses this to send members text messages; usually, we use email accounts. However, no text messages will be sent to you unless you choose a mobile carrier from the dropdown list. If your carrier is not listed, you will only receive LLI communications via email messages.

Quickstart Videos on ProClass

There are several YouTube videos on how to use ProClass on the LLI website. These are short, and you can watch them whenever needed.

From the LLI website, choose Courses and then on the right, choose Quickstart Training Videos on Using ProClass. These short videos show you how to perform tasks in ProClass, including:

  • Searching for Courses (you search by semester and you can search by class period and/or topic areas. The key here is to click the Search button on the Search page;
  • Using the Wish List before registration opens (this is a convenient way to list the courses thatmost interest you and it allows you to quickly register for courses when registration opens);
  • Registering for Courses (the registration process checks at the end to ensure you did not sign up for two courses in the same time period);
  • Editing Your Account (to do the things like changing your address and name tag as discussed above);
  • Recovering your Password (use your email address to view your username and to recover a forgotten password);
  • Drop a course (if you decide to no longer participate in a course);
  • Take Attendance or send emails to course registrants (if you are a session or course manager for a course).
ProClass Quickstart Videos
Tech Help


The cracker-jack LLI tech help team is available by email to help you if the videos were not enough to clarify things for you. You can reach them at [email protected]. Please allow these unpaid volunteers time to respond to your questions. They usually get back to you within 24 hours, sometimes sooner. 

Please do remember that the people helping you are giving their time to contribute to LLI; they will be patient with you— please be patient with them.
