It Was Festive! It Was Smart! It Was Fun!

It Was Festive! It Was Smart! It Was Fun!


SummerFest 2022 brought a delighted bunch of LLIers back to campus. For the first time since 2019, SummerFest also included some nonmembers interested in LLI. The campus was even more gorgeous than we remembered from past springs and we were all delighted to be with each other in our classes. A spirit of joyful camaraderie animated both the classes and the between-class opportunities for socializing.

Fern Fleckman and Kim Sears Checking People In
Colleen Ashe taught Life’s Transitions: Cruising Through Your Aging-in-Place or Downsizing Adventure
Pat DeHaven taught Climate Change: Science, Impact, and Proposed Solutions

It was Smart!

It was a lovely summertime version of our full-semester LLI. In addition to two periods of interesting classes on a wide variety of subjects, a Zoom class was offered on Thursdays and an off-Friday class on Wednesdays. LLI expects to continue to have some Zoom offerings from now on: the Zoom classes allow us to include people who find the campus difficult to navigate and people who have relocated (e.g., to Mexico) but still want to teach and to participate. And there was an off-Friday bocce class. 

It was Fun!

As you can see from the photographs below, an excellent time was had by all!

Click on the photos below to enlarge!

Courtney Skeen taught Introduction to Acrylics
SummerFest Bocce