Monthly Archives: July 2022

Looking Forward to Fall Classes


As usual, the Curriculum Committee has developed so many rewarding fall courses that choosing among them will be difficult. Do you want to learn more about medicine, science, history, and current political issues or to explore novels, poetry, films, and plays? How about attending a workshop to improve your writing,

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Summer Learning: What Worked and What Needed Work


When asked to evaluate their SummerFest courses, 82 LLI members had plenty to say about what they liked and what needed improvement. The good news is that most rated their course content, presenters, and overall satisfaction between 4 and 5, the top marks. But some provided ratings between 1 and 3,

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Tech Help to the Rescue


Many of us know the urge to throw our computers out the window in frustration when a website won’t let us in or respond the way we think it should. For LLI members, that may sometimes be true when registering for classes in ProClass. Never fear! Tech help, in the persons of Linda Still and Carmela Gersbeck,

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