President Robert Beaury certainly knows how to throw an annual meeting. The approximately 70 members who attended the May 12 event enjoyed a delightful breakfast and some live jazz, and applauded Robert’s optimistic view of the future of Bard LLI.
The morning began with members chatting over plates of savory treats that Hospitality Chair Irene Esposito procured. The weather cooperated and allowed them to relax with their food outside of the atrium at Olin.
Then members congregated in Olin Hall to enjoy a half hour of live jazz featuring Bard students Tristan Geary (piano), Vigilance Brandon (trumpet), Rodney Clark (drums), and Michael Knox (bass). You can savor part of their performance by clicking here. Thanks to Asher B. Edelman Professor in the Arts at Bard College Joan Tower for organizing this lively quartet.

Business Meeting
Robert handled the business portion of the meeting efficiently. In his opening remarks he reviewed the pleasures and accomplishments of the last year and thanked committee chairs Linda LeGendre (Curriculum), Cathy Reinis (Communications), Jill Lundquist (Planning and Evaluation), Robert Inglish (Membership Development), Carmela Gersbeck (Program Support), as well as the DEI/Social Justice Team. He acknowledged the contributions of departing Council members: Felice Gelman, second vice president; Deborah Lanser, secretary; and John Mathews, member at large. And he welcomed incoming Council members: Carol Goss, now second vice president after serving as a member at large; Susan Simon, secretary; Lynda Christensen, member at large; and Eleanor Wieder, member at large and incoming chair of Planning and Evaluation.
Felice Gelman briefly reviewed the results of the recent vote to accept or reject the revised bylaws. Of the 122 members who had e-voted previously, 118 clearly chose to accept the revision.
Treasurer Jerry Brockett explained the tentative budget for 2023-2024. Income is projected to be the same as last year. Expenses will be similar to those of 2022-2023, with some increases for hospitality, social gatherings, and donations. The members present voted unanimously to approve the budget.
In his concluding remarks, Robert expressed his confidence that LLI will continue to function at a very high level thanks to the contributions of our volunteers. Then he brought the meeting to a close after 26 minutes–surely a record for brevity.
Minutes of the annual meeting will be published on the LLI website by the end of June.

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