Welcoming New Members

by Deborah Lanser


The September 7th orientation was ostensibly a chance to introduce new members to the ins and outs of Bard LLI, but it was also a chance for them to mingle with returning members during the coffee hour before the program. The new members already had some thoughts about what they appreciate about Bard LLI: the course selection, the social gatherings, and the mentor program. One person said he liked the newsletter, which he called very professional. 

They joined for several reasons: the desire to keep learning, the pleasure of sharing the program with friends who are members, the need to meet new people, and the excellent reputation of Bard LLI. One person said he joined because his wife told him he needed to go back to school. 

Some new members had a few concerns. One was worried about keeping up with the classes she had chosen. Another wasn’t sure how many classes to take. A third person, who couldn’t attend the campus tour, was worried about finding Olin Hall and parking nearby. And several had already learned the hard way about the need to sign up on registration day for the classes they wanted. But all were eager to start their classes.

Relationship With Bard

President Robert Beaury congratulated the new members on winning the Bard LLI lottery–out of 152 applicants, only 39 were successful. Robert explained the cordial partnership we have with Bard. They provide administrative and technical support, allow us to use their classrooms and AV equipment, and support Bard faculty members who want to teach some of our courses. In return, we donate approximately half of our membership fees to Bard programs, primarily those that benefit the students. He asked us to remember that we are guests of Bard.

Practical Matters

Robert Inglish, chair of Membership Development, stressed the importance of wearing your lanyard on campus, registering your car, and parking in the designated spots. Student IDs are nice but not necessary. He added that members should only go to classes that they are registered for, and they can’t invite anyone to attend with them. He recommended bookmarking the LLI website and then scrolling down the landing page, where there is a lot of information. 

Because LLI is run by volunteers, there is always a need for people to help out and reinvigorate the organization. Robert pointed out that joining a committee can be a great way to learn new skills and meet people. If you are interested in volunteering, contact him at [email protected].

Creating the Courses

The Curriculum Committee is the heart of LLI, and more volunteers would be welcome to bring their ideas and enthusiasm. Mary McClellan, first vice president and interim chair of Curriculum, and Eleanor Wieder, chair of Planning and Development, invited members to come to a committee meeting to see how courses are developed. They also pointed out that about one-third of presenters are also LLI members. 


Most new members appear to be tech savvy, according to Carmela Gersbeck, chair of Program Support. She encouraged members to explore the My Account and My Registration tabs in ProClass. If you can’t make some sessions of a class, she asked that you drop it so that others can take it. 

Some members do have trouble with the technology, and tech help ([email protected]) is available. When you send in a request, please include your phone number.

Carmela reminded members to observe Zoom etiquette. Unless you turn your camera off, it will always be on, which means everyone can see you. Presenters become distracted when they can see attendees exercising, eating, or even in bed asleep. Finally, Carmela reminded members that a closed caption option is available for Zoom classes.

Members at Large
Members at Large

Communicating Your Ideas and Concerns

Lynda Christensen noted that there are four members at large—herself, Kayla Bell, Michael Weinstock, and Eleanor Wieder—whose job is to represent the membership. Feel free to reach out to them about any ideas or issues you have. Their contact information is on the website.
