Blog Archives

Start Planning Your Fall Classes


With the release of the fall catalog on August 25, and its roster of engaging and rewarding classes, we will once again be reminded why we joined LLI. Are you interested in history, medicine, or science? What about literature and music? Protecting yourself against cyberhackers? Hiking or simply moving better to ease the aches of aging?

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Results of the Annual Survey


This year’s survey had 180 respondents, which means that over 50% of our membership completed it. That is almost twice as many respondents as last year. Congratulations! This, I believe, is an indicator of an involved membership.

For the first time in several years, we included demographic questions.

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A Win, Win, Win with Joan Tower


Each spring for the last seven years, beloved Asher B. Edelman Professor of Music at Bard College Joan Tower has offered her course Music! Music! Music! to LLI members. And this year, the course was once again a huge hit for all involved, in, as usual, somewhat different ways.

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Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship Recipients


The six recipients of this year’s Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship each presented a talk about their senior projects in the Lazlo Z. Bito ‘60 Auditorium on Friday, April 7th. This recognition seniors-to-seniors tea allowed LLI members and assorted Bard folk to hear about the always-interesting topics the Bard seniors chose and how they constructed their projects.

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The Rewards of SummerFest


This year’s SummerFest offerings are exceptional for the diversity of the class topics and the pleasures of the off-campus activities. Many classes will be held on campus on consecutive Fridays starting June 2, while a few Zoom classes will be held on either Wednesdays or Thursdays. And there are several enticing off-campus classes,

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Good News About Spring Courses


The wide variety of course offerings this spring will once again remind us why we joined Bard LLI. And the Curriculum Committee has ensured that there are more courses, more large courses, and more course periods than there were in the fall. These changes should expand the opportunities that we have for taking courses as well as help alleviate the parking issues.

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Bard Symphonic Chorus: A Local Gem for Those Who Love to Sing


The Bard Symphonic Chorus is back after a rocky off-and-on hiatus due to COVID’s halt on everything, especially activities that involve singing out and breathing deeply in close proximity to others. The chorus of about 50 to 60 singers, including several LLI members, has a long history at Bard.

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New Members Share Their Perspective


Every influx of new members provides an opportunity to see the strengths and limitations of LLI through fresh eyes. And this year, as in previous years, 24 newcomers had some definite opinions to share on the new member survey, with the understanding that their insightful comments will be taken to heart as we strive to improve our functioning and offerings.

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When Your Passion Becomes a Class


What makes an ex-IBMer teach a class on organs? One visit to Dale Ziegenfelder’s house would answer that question. Dale has a church-sized pipe organ installed in his home. (Newsflash: it’s a bit too big to fit in the living room.) LLI member Dorothy Baran, who frequently produces classes,

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Feedback About Fall Courses


This year’s evaluation form yielded hundreds of opinions about the courses we took, the presenters, and our overall enjoyment of the experience. The most common ratings were 4 or 5. However, opinions about a few courses were widely split, with one garnering three 2s and five 5s. And one member rated a class 0,

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