Blog Archives

2019 Seniors to Seniors Tea

Held in Reem Kayden Science Center

LLI grants to Bard College graduating seniors are the Dean Emeritus Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Grants. Dean Levine supported the creation of LLI at the college and served as the college’s liaison to LLI for many years. We honored his contributions to LLI by naming these student grants after him.

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Seniors Honor Seniors — LLI Gives Back

LLI Supports Senior Students

Every spring, LLI members with classes in Reem-Kayden see a series of posters lining the hallways. These are summaries of the science students’ senior projects–a graduation requirement and the culmination of several years’ work by Bard students  

But senior projects are done in all majors and we have a unique chance to learn about them.

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Welcome Back, LLI!

Fall Kickoff had many events

Our Fall 2018 semester successfully began on September 7 with:

  • Fall Semester Orientation for presenters, producers, class managers, and A/V support
  • New Member Orientation and tours of campus
  • Fall Luncheon
  • Member Art Show

LLI member and staff newsletter photographer,

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How is LLI Doing?

Election Results

Ollie Johnson confirmed the election results:

  • Tom Esposito, president
  • Jan Wallen, first vice president
  • Susan Hirsch, treasurer;
  • Chuck Mishaan and Cathy Reinis, members at large. 

Ollie added that e-voting was a success.  Members were able to anonymously vote for the slate of candidates and LLI was able to limit voting to one vote per members.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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Seniors Enjoy Tea and Talking

The Bard students described their senior year projects, which were partially funded by the LLI Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Grant. One senior even came directly from her “board review” to announce that she had passed. And one senior made a video to explain her project since she could not come in person: she was taking her citizenship test that very day.

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Each May, LLI “seniors” gather to honor Bard College’s graduating seniors who were selected as recipients of the Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarships. The scholarships are awarded to the honorees to assist with their senior projects. The grants are one of the many ways that LLI strives to give back to Bard and to strengthen the ties between the generations.

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Annual Meeting and Spring Brunch on May 18


Not your usual business meeting! Stage performances, Volunteer recognition, Raffle.

RSVP between May 1 and May 10 – see the link to RSVP in your email around May 1.

9:00 -10:00 a.m.


9:30 -10:00 a.m.

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