Monthly Archives: July 2018

Support a Syrian Musician To Study at Bard

Dear LLI members,

We are forwarding a request from Janet Stetson, Director of Graduate Admissions at Bard, to help with funding for a student who has been admitted to the Conservatory. Her message is below.

Thank you.




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Profiles in Volunteering

Why volunteer?

Without any paid staff at all, LLI programs and the organization itself are a kind of miracle of widespread volunteer effort. The process may not be highly visible, but without the more than 200 volunteers, we would not have our program. We see it in every class, with our class managers and tech support,

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How Many People Applied for LLI Membership?

The Registration Committee expects to offer membership to all 56 people who applied to LLI. Acceptances will go out on July 15 and the deadline for paying the annual membership fee is July 21.

In June, 246 LLI members renewed their membership and 46 did not renew. The Registration Committee reached out to non-renewing members to confirm that they were not returning.

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