This is the first year members can pay their membership renewal fees with ProClass. It is easy and quick. From the LLI website, choose Courses in the main navigation bar then select the ProClass Registration link.
Log in to your account, click the Membership link in the upper left, and follow the onscreen prompts to Renew Your Membership (by clicking the 1 Active, 1 Renewal link), click the renew button, and enter your credit card information. You will receive an emailed receipt of your credit card transaction, just as you would with any other online purchase.
Do this by June 21 to renew your membership. Otherwise, LLI assumes you no longer want to be a member and discontinues your membership. If you wish to rejoin LLI next year, you will have to apply again and enter the membership lottery if the number of applicants exceeds the number of open spots.

How Do You Check Your Membership?
ProClass is keeping track of all of your membership renewals and your payments. Simply log in to ProClass, click your name in the upper right, and then click the My Account button. Scroll down the page until you see the tabs. The Memberships tab will display all of your memberships since LLI implemented ProClass in 2020 and the Payments tab will display your payments.
Why Is This Great?
LLI’s payment system has evolved over the past few years from asking members to:
- Mail a check to
- Use a credit card through PayPal, to now
- Go through ProClass. (ProClass uses as the payment gateway and payments are directly deposited into the Bard account).
The Admin/Infrastructure Committee has tried to make these different processes as painless as possible to our members through hours of volunteer time in the background. Imagine the issues when checks are mailed and members cannot register for classes until checks are received! Or the issues with accepting payments in one system (PayPal) and updating membership status for each payment! Now, all of this happens automatically with little volunteer involvement, minimizing our precious volunteer time. Plus, members get to see their membership status through ProClass at any time.
The Bard College Information Technology and Accounting employees get a huge shout-out from LLI for making this happen in 2021! Many thanks to them for all their research into payment gateways, endless meetings with LLI, and ongoing support of Bard LLI accounting.

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