Blog Archives

Upcoming Social Events


The Social Gatherings Team has arranged several events for LLI members. First, the Hessel Museum will host LLI members for two exhibitions this spring and summer, April 27 Rising and Sinking Again, and July 13, Indian Theater/Erika Verzutti. Both tours will begin at noon and conclude at 2:00 p.m.

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The Rewards of SummerFest


This year’s SummerFest offerings are exceptional for the diversity of the class topics and the pleasures of the off-campus activities. Many classes will be held on campus on consecutive Fridays starting June 2, while a few Zoom classes will be held on either Wednesdays or Thursdays. And there are several enticing off-campus classes,

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Susan Christoffersen: Webmaster of Bard LLI


When my friend Tom first told me about Bard’s Lifetime Learning Institute, I went on the website at, and I was immediately impressed with the layout, photos, and writing. I thought, “these are my people, and this is an organization that I want to be a part of.” On my very first day on the Bard campus,

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Meet the 2023 Candidates for Council


As you know, Council is the governing body of LLI, and its members are elected for two years on alternate years. This year, LLI members will be voting for the second vice president, secretary, and two members at large. Their terms of service will be from July 1, 2023 to June 30,

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A Course is Born!


Receiving the LLI catalog and registering for courses this Spring semester probably reminds us how fortunate we are to have the chance to learn together. But how do these courses magically appear? Have you ever had a great idea for a course? Or thought you could teach one yourself but didn’t know how to get on the class schedule?

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Good News About Spring Courses


The wide variety of course offerings this spring will once again remind us why we joined Bard LLI. And the Curriculum Committee has ensured that there are more courses, more large courses, and more course periods than there were in the fall. These changes should expand the opportunities that we have for taking courses as well as help alleviate the parking issues.

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Bard Symphonic Chorus: A Local Gem for Those Who Love to Sing


The Bard Symphonic Chorus is back after a rocky off-and-on hiatus due to COVID’s halt on everything, especially activities that involve singing out and breathing deeply in close proximity to others. The chorus of about 50 to 60 singers, including several LLI members, has a long history at Bard.

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Gary Miller: Always Learning, Always Loving It

Serial Presenter and More

Most LLI members know Gary Miller as a very popular serial presenter. Since 2018 he has taught classes every year centered around photography and filmmaking. Many of us know him as a willing volunteer when his skills are needed. He was part of the online class team that developed the Zoom class technology that carried us through the worst of the pandemic.

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An Invitation to Run for Council


Nominations are now being accepted for our 2023 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council comprises five elected officers and four elected members at large, as well as six standing committee chairpersons appointed by the President. Terms for all elected officers are two years. Elections are held every year,

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Carmela Gets it Done


Bard LLI has good news and bad news. The good news is we have one of the hardest-working and most skillful and diplomatic volunteers we could have ever wished for. The bad news is we can’t clone her. She is Carmela Gersbeck, a three-year veteran of LLI, who co-managed the Online Team during the most dramatic technological change in our 21 years of existence.

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