Blog Archives

New Members Share Their Enthusiasm and Suggestions


The 62 members of the LLI class of 2020 met the challenge of joining LLI with enthusiasm as it, of necessity, transformed itself into a vibrant online community. Most found their classes rewarding, despite the need to become familiar with Zoom. And of course, like all of us, many missed the opportunities for social interaction,

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WinterFest Reminder

Join Us!

WinterFest (formerly known as Intersession) continues next Wednesday, January 13, and on January 20 and 27, ending on February 3. Morning presentations run from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Afternoon presentations start at 1:30 p.m. and end at 3:00 p.m.

All sessions will be on Zoom.

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Fall Classes Though a Zoom Lens


LLI members often have strong opinions, which we are willing to share when given a chance. That chance came when we were asked to complete our evaluation forms for the fall classes. As usual, those forms asked specifically about course content and presenter. However, many of us used the comments section to also provide feedback about how using Zoom affected various aspects of our class experience,

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Anique Sara Taylor


Artfully arranged atop her floral perch, awaiting her flock, she sips soup

No shame, no blame, no thoughts of unworthiness

Invent a new season, unravel black and white to equal red

Quake before richness of talent


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Anticipating WinterFest

Looking Forward to WinterFest (formerly Intersession)

A gentle silence often fills the shortened days of the new year. For many of us, the sense of isolation that comes with the quiet cold of January promises to be heightened this year by the confinement of the pandemic. If ever there was a winter to gather and enjoy a stimulating WinterFest program,

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Presenters’ New Paradigm


Seemingly ages ago, when we finished coffee, snacks, and warm conversations in room 305, we walked down the hallway toward classrooms. As we sat down with old friends or new members, presenters stood before us and shared their knowledge. Some presenters walked back and forth, our eyes focused on them and a projection screen.

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A Heartfelt But Virtual Welcome


How was LLI going to make new members feel welcome and show them how to get around LLI Online? Kim Sears and the Membership Development Committee met that challenge with imagination and humor. She and Barbara Burns, Volunteer Coordinator, matched every new member with a current member, and recruited experienced members to serve as mentors,

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Bard LLI’s Curriculum and How It Grew

Up and Running in No Time

There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations.

— Alfred North Whitehead

When we look at the rich offerings in the Bard LLI catalog it’s hard to imagine that it took just about a year for our founders to organize and launch the Lifetime Learning Institute at Bard College and begin offering classes.

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A Lifeline to Lifetime Learning

The World of Before

I have such clear images in my memory of the World of Before, like photographs of a lost world, they drift up in my mind from time to time. 

Sunday, March 8th: a gorgeous concert by the Bard Conservatory Vocal Arts students, “Rest in Pieces,

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Farming and Academia Make a Perfect Marriage


Farming and academia can make a perfect marriage although they rarely form such a solid union as at Bard. Very few college campuses have a working farm that provides farm-to-table fare for students and community members. The following is a story of the people and efforts that ordained this particular marriage and allowed the Bard farm to thrive on the Bard campus for almost a decade now.

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