Blog Archives

Hybrid Makes History


As the veil of life under the pandemic begins to lift, Bard LLI faces a sea change not unlike when COVID-19 first tore apart our lives. We remember, thankfully, how a team of dedicated members assembled immediately after the campus closed. Zoom took over. The Online Team dug in and gave valuable time,

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Member Thoughts on DEI


The Who, Us? Class of 2020 recently proposed an initiative concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) measures for the Bard LLI Council to consider. Their ideas were reflected in questions included in the 2021 annual survey assessing member interest in ways that Bard LLI can address social issues in our community.

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Joyce Carter-Krawczyk Remembers

Joyce Carter-Krawczyk Remembers

In February of 2015, LLI President Lou Klein needed to retire to deal with personal issues. Joyce Carter-Krawczyk was unanimously elected by the Council to fill out his term of office until September of 2016. In that time, she accomplished so much. Here is what Joyce remembers.

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Celebrating Years of Making Us Welcome


Although Zoom has had many silver linings for LLI and its members, one thing that has been sadly missing for us is the chance to gather together before or between classes, fill up a cup of coffee and a plate with some fruit, cheese, or treats and sit down to chat with each other.

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LLI Grows Up


Tom Esposito, who was LLI President from July 2016 to July 2020, also served as First Vice President the prior year and as Treasurer for the four years before that. In all, his nine-year tenure on Council stretched from mid-year 2011 until mid-year 2020 — almost half of LLI’s lifetime as an organization.

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Winter Sowing Social


As Susan Hinkle and Deborah Barrow told us at the Winter Sowing Social Gathering on February 18th, February is a wonderful time to start growing your hearty fruits and vegetables. It just takes a bit of know-how, an abundance of enthusiasm, and a touch of humor.

Susan and Deborah,

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Meet the Nominees for LLI Council


As you know, Council is the governing body of LLI, and key positions are elected by the membership for two-year terms. The upcoming term for newly elected Council members will be from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023. And this year, the election will take place from March 15 to 29.

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Behind the Scenes at WinterFest


If you signed up for WinterFest sessions, you know that we had wonderful presentations—and a couple of bumps. But you don’t know the half of it. Our amazing session managers always appeared calm and collected even as they figured out how to let the presentations go forward. They had practiced,

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Volunteer? Who, Me?

We all know how volunteers are really recruited. Admit it.

You’re sitting in a Zoom meeting and someone asks, “Anyone want to volunteer for the holiday fruitcake baking committee?”

No one even twitches.

Later that night, you’re sitting at home, watching a PBS drama series.

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And You Thought You Were Done with Elections!


January kicks off our 2021 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council consists of elected officers (five), elected members at large (four), and appointed standing committee chairpersons (six). This year we will nominate and elect members for:

  • 2nd Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Two Members at Large

Council meetings will give you the opportunity to contribute your ideas about how LLI can be run while working with some interesting,

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