Blog Archives

Changemakers Forging Ahead

What Are They Up To Now?

In last semester’s very popular African Americans in the Hudson Valley class, we heard from two elected officials and changemakers – Barrington Atkins, a County Legislator from Poughkeepsie, and Kamal Johnson, the Mayor of Hudson. These two relatively young men of color are in historical positions of political power.

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You’re Kidding, Right?


Most members appreciate and understand the tremendous effort and dedication of the Curriculum Committee. What is not known, however, is that their high set of standards and schedule restrictions mean some courses inevitably fall by the wayside. In the spirit of transparency, then, here are some of the courses that met their premature death.

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Announcing Spring Courses


Even though winter has just started, it’s not too early to look forward to spring. And the Curriculum Committee has given us an excellent reason to do so with a compelling roster of classes given by both experienced and new presenters. Online classes will start on Thursday, March 10,

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Bard Aims to Keep its Students in School


Even the best laid financial plans of students attending college can be upended: Your laptop dies. You have a family emergency. You test positive for COVID and have to drop your travel plans. The friends who said you could stay with them over winter break give your room/couch to someone else.

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Elections: An Invitation to Run for Council


January kicks off our 2022 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council comprises five elected officers and four elected members at large, as well as six standing committee chairpersons appointed by the President. Terms for all elected officers are two years. Elections are held every year,

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Some Thoughts From New Members


In the recent new member survey, 31 of the 63 members of the LLI class of 2021 shared their thoughts about their first semester at Bard LLI. Many were grateful for the welcome they received and they rated the quality of their courses highly. Others had some reservations and offered suggestions for improvement.

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Bard Opens Its Arms to Afghan Students


“What is taking place now in Afghanistan is a tragedy. It affects students and colleagues we have worked with over many years. We stand with the Afghan students…Bard has a long history of helping students and faculty fleeing conflict and persecution, and we will continue to engage and help in every way possible.”

–Leon Botstein and Jonathan Becker

Bard has taken on what may be its most challenging project ever,

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SISTER2SISTER Program at Bard College


In 2018, two first-year Bard College students, Sakinah Bennett and Skylar Walker, were inspired by Bard’s Brothers at Bard program to establish the SISTER2SISTER program. Both founders are women of color from Georgia and recipients of full scholarships from the Posse Foundation. Sakinah majored in historical studies and dance.

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Tiny Bach Concert Features a Favorite LLI Presenter


Raymond Erickson has produced a video for the American Bach Society, giving all of us a chance to enjoy the experience of learning from him. Ray is a distinguished musician and scholar, best known for his many publications about Johann Sebastian Bach and his stunning performances of Bach’s music.

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Thoughts on the Fall Semester


Member comments about the fall semester were generally positive, with a number of courses and presenters averaging ratings of 9 or 10. There were exceptions, of course, and one only garnered ratings between 0 and 4. In some cases, the same lecture and presenter evoked responses ranging from 0 to 10.

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