Blog Archives

Linda LeGendre: New Head of Curriculum


One of the most tempting reasons for Linda Legendre to move from Massachusetts to the Red Hook area eight years ago, besides being closer to her five grandchildren and their parents, was the enticement of the excellent reputation of Bard’s Lifelong Learning program. Although it took her two years to be admitted via the lottery system,

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With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in American Art, 1972-1985


To many of us, this is not art history. This is yesterday. The Hessel Museum of Art’s exhibition, With Pleasure: Pattern and Decoration in American Art, 1972-1985, presents a wide range of work from that movement, work that runs counter to the abstract minimalism prevalent at that time.

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The Arboretum Called Bard


When was the last time you visited a garden measuring 930 acres? When was the last time you were enveloped by hundreds of varieties of flowers, bushes, grasses and other flora? It was, of course, before the COVID-19 pandemic struck and Bard’s extraordinary arboretum was off-limits. The good news is we can now return,

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Profile of Stacey Adams


Where is my parking hangtag? Hey, our classroom is locked. I got a parking ticket — what for? Who you gonna call? Try Stacey Adams. She is the Office Resource Coordinator for Bard College’s Security team. She works with LLI’s Member Services team volunteers to register LLI members’ cars,

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Join the Elite Corps of Session Managers



Since June of 2020, LLI has been blessed with a corps of volunteers who make the Zoom classes work. These LLIers, who are session managers, support our presenters by admitting members to classes, spotlighting speakers, reading the Chat, emailing class members, and reassuring all of us with their calm voices.

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Hybrid Makes History


As the veil of life under the pandemic begins to lift, Bard LLI faces a sea change not unlike when COVID-19 first tore apart our lives. We remember, thankfully, how a team of dedicated members assembled immediately after the campus closed. Zoom took over. The Online Team dug in and gave valuable time,

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LLI Gives Grants to Summer Work by BHSEC Students


Each year, LLI provides grants to students at Bard High School Early College in Manhattan. The money provides support that allows students to volunteer and to learn in the summer between their junior and senior years.

This year, the effects of Covid restrictions make it more difficult for students to find opportunities,

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The Historic Beauty of Montgomery Place


The Bard Arboretum encompases the entire campus, including the beautiful Montgomery Place estate. The original campus grounds are open to visitors, but Montgomery Place is the site of much of Bard’s SummerScape program and thus is open to visitors only on Mondays to allow for rehearsals. Consider taking a Monday off and scheduling a visit.The grounds of this National Historic Landmark are well worth the visit,

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Member Thoughts on DEI


The Who, Us? Class of 2020 recently proposed an initiative concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) measures for the Bard LLI Council to consider. Their ideas were reflected in questions included in the 2021 annual survey assessing member interest in ways that Bard LLI can address social issues in our community.

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Bard College Receives $500 Million Endowment Pledge from Investor and Philanthropist George Soros


As you may have read in the news, George Soros has donated $500 million dollars to Bard College to fund its permanent endowment. This gift provides for the college to continue its many missions throughout the world. It also requires matching funds. The college can already match $250 million dollars and has five years to raise an additional $250 million dollars.

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