Blog Archives

Elections: An Invitation to Run for Council


January kicks off our 2022 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council comprises five elected officers and four elected members at large, as well as six standing committee chairpersons appointed by the President. Terms for all elected officers are two years. Elections are held every year,

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Tech Corner: LLI Contacts for Help and Information 2021


Welcome back to Bard LLI and the fall semester! We are looking forward to meeting, learning, and working together with new and renewed members. LLI is a rich and rewarding adventure. We want to ensure that it is a positive experience for you—even when you are figuring out who best to contact to resolve a particular issue or get certain information.

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Linda LeGendre: New Head of Curriculum


One of the most tempting reasons for Linda Legendre to move from Massachusetts to the Red Hook area eight years ago, besides being closer to her five grandchildren and their parents, was the enticement of the excellent reputation of Bard’s Lifelong Learning program. Although it took her two years to be admitted via the lottery system,

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Member Thoughts on DEI


The Who, Us? Class of 2020 recently proposed an initiative concerning diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) measures for the Bard LLI Council to consider. Their ideas were reflected in questions included in the 2021 annual survey assessing member interest in ways that Bard LLI can address social issues in our community.

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Evaluations from a Producer’s Perspective

From a numerical perspective, the results from the latest course evaluations are excellent: the average rating for course content was 9.31 and for presenters was 9.28, with 10 being the top possible score. The Curriculum Team can take pride in those impressive numbers. But as anyone familiar with statistics can tell you,

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Celebrating Years of Making Us Welcome


Although Zoom has had many silver linings for LLI and its members, one thing that has been sadly missing for us is the chance to gather together before or between classes, fill up a cup of coffee and a plate with some fruit, cheese, or treats and sit down to chat with each other.

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Meet the Nominees for LLI Council


As you know, Council is the governing body of LLI, and key positions are elected by the membership for two-year terms. The upcoming term for newly elected Council members will be from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023. And this year, the election will take place from March 15 to 29.

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And You Thought You Were Done with Elections!


January kicks off our 2021 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council consists of elected officers (five), elected members at large (four), and appointed standing committee chairpersons (six). This year we will nominate and elect members for:

  • 2nd Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Two Members at Large

Council meetings will give you the opportunity to contribute your ideas about how LLI can be run while working with some interesting,

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If You Want to Get Something Done, Ask a Busy Person


One of LLI’s core values is transparency. Anyone may request an invitation to LLI Council meetings to see how the sausage—the process of producing dozens of classes and keeping LLI running—is made. For those of you who haven’t attended a Council meeting, we would like to let you hear from this year’s crop of new members.

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Working Together to Make it Happen


Did you take a class this fall? Sign on to a team to help with moving online? Please reach over your shoulder and pat yourself on the back: you are indeed a lifetime learner!

Fall 2020 was a semester unlike any other in LLI’s history. Brand-new teams formed in a flash over the spring and summer.

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