Blog Archives

The Uncommon Joan Tower


I had the opportunity to speak at length with Joan Tower only once before interviewing her on the phone for this article. Several years ago, we were both at the Toyota Dealership having our cars serviced. At the time, I knew just a little about Joan’s history at Bard College,

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The Right Man: Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine

In the Beginning . . .

Twenty-one years ago, Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, sitting in his office in Ludlow, had been at Bard for 36 years and had been the dean of the college since 1980. He was having the usual busy day with a steady stream of visitors lined up outside his office door.

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A Lifetime of Learning: Giving Back to Bard

Bard High School Early College (BHSEC Manhattan): ongoing funding of four $500 scholarships for student summer internships in 2021. $2000

Bard’s Nursery School and Children’s Center: to help fund the new Open Air Adventure Club at Montgomery Place for grades K-5 to help young people play safely outdoors and learn hands-on about the local environment.

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Montgomery Place Orchards Wayside Stand

Montomery Place Orchards Wayside Stand

This family-operated treasured farm stand, located just north of Rt 199 on 9G in Red Hook, is celebrating its 34th year of providing high quality produce to local folks and area visitors. Talea and Doug Taylor and their daughter, Caroline Fincke, comprise the family, while a small group of Jamaican seasonal workers and younger employees who attend the stand are considered part of the family team.

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More Member Opinions


The 2020 Member Survey gave members a chance to express their opinion about several issues that affect our experience with LLI. Last month, we covered members’ responses to questions about online learning, obviously a subject of immediate importance given the need to stay at home. These responses were instrumental in the decision to try online learning for SummerFest.

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Honoring Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine

“It’s better to know how to learn than to know.”

Theodore Seuss Geisel

Quoting a cherished line from one of his favorite poets, today we pause to remember one of our founders, Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, who died on Friday night, May 1 at the age of 87.

Without Dean Levine,

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Ideas to Pass the Time While Self-Isolating


I’m sure that all Bard LLIers were as disappointed as I was to hear that the spring semester was canceled. While it was the right decision, I knew I was going to miss being on campus and getting together with my new LLI friends.

At first, the idea of staying indoors and having lots of free time appealed to me.

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Sidewalk Art


A zig-zag of letters pave the way into the Hessel Museum at the Bard Center for Curatorial Studies. These letters present a poem, an art installation, or, as CCS director Tom Eccles suggests, a metaphor for the art of curating.

The poem is composed of a stainless steel alphabet embedded in the broad concrete sidewalk leading up to and entering the building,

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2018 SummerFest


SummerFest returns this June with an expanded list of offerings and a little more time for each class. Classes will run from 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and from 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. From 10:30 to 11:00, a coffee break in the Olin Rotunda will offer a chance to socialize and relax.

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