Blog Archives

Hybrid Learning Comes to Bard


We know all too well how the world of education has been turned upside down. Zoom has replaced the classroom presenter sharing thoughts with an LLI audience eager to learn, enjoy, and relish each other’s company. But surprise of surprises, some of us actually like remote learning.

We like seeing faces along with names,

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Behind the Scenes at WinterFest


If you signed up for WinterFest sessions, you know that we had wonderful presentations—and a couple of bumps. But you don’t know the half of it. Our amazing session managers always appeared calm and collected even as they figured out how to let the presentations go forward. They had practiced,

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The Uncommon Joan Tower


I had the opportunity to speak at length with Joan Tower only once before interviewing her on the phone for this article. Several years ago, we were both at the Toyota Dealership having our cars serviced. At the time, I knew just a little about Joan’s history at Bard College,

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Volunteer? Who, Me?

We all know how volunteers are really recruited. Admit it.

You’re sitting in a Zoom meeting and someone asks, “Anyone want to volunteer for the holiday fruitcake baking committee?”

No one even twitches.

Later that night, you’re sitting at home, watching a PBS drama series.

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Why Is Bard’s Campus Closed to Us?


Bard has had amazing success at managing the COVID-19 pandemic in its community. Over the last year, despite welcoming students on campus from around the world, it has had only 10 cases of COVID-19, six among students and four among employees. (Its COVID-19 dashboard is updated weekly.) The administration’s approach has one big lesson for all of us—make the hard choices.

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Anticipating Spring Classes


The frost may still be in the air, but March 18 and 19, the first two days of classes, are not that far away. Thanks to the Curriculum Team, we once again have a wide range of interesting classes to tempt us. Some of the most popular courses and presenters from previous semesters will be returning,

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And You Thought You Were Done with Elections!


January kicks off our 2021 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council consists of elected officers (five), elected members at large (four), and appointed standing committee chairpersons (six). This year we will nominate and elect members for:

  • 2nd Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Two Members at Large

Council meetings will give you the opportunity to contribute your ideas about how LLI can be run while working with some interesting,

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Embracing Change


“Visualizing what you want for the future can help you navigate that stuck feeling, reduce stress, and open up new possibilities!” So LLI member Kayla Bell stated when she initiated a group experience for us via Zoom on December 10th. Kayla demonstrated visualization techniques, including vision boards, to help us in our quest to effect personal change.

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If You Want to Get Something Done, Ask a Busy Person


One of LLI’s core values is transparency. Anyone may request an invitation to LLI Council meetings to see how the sausage—the process of producing dozens of classes and keeping LLI running—is made. For those of you who haven’t attended a Council meeting, we would like to let you hear from this year’s crop of new members.

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New Members Share Their Enthusiasm and Suggestions


The 62 members of the LLI class of 2020 met the challenge of joining LLI with enthusiasm as it, of necessity, transformed itself into a vibrant online community. Most found their classes rewarding, despite the need to become familiar with Zoom. And of course, like all of us, many missed the opportunities for social interaction,

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